Wembley Theatre — Flanagan Lawrence

Wembley Theatre


Imagine Nation



6,075 sqm

Project Manager
Tower 8

Structural Engineer
Price & Myers

Civil Engineer
Price & Myers

Services Engineer
PSH Consulting

Planning Consultant

Acoustic Consultant

Wembley Theatre is the first in a series of cultural interventions in the emerging cityscape of Wembley. The project capitalises on the role of cultural buildings in the regeneration of their surroundings in the city and community. The project has its roots in late 20th Century temporary architecture, and addresses time and anticipation in its execution. Its mandate stretches beyond the physical constraints of ‘site’, and goes on to address social and political issues that go far beyond the typical bounds of architecture.

Wembley Theatre is not a permanent structure, but a temporary one and is to be quickly assembled on an existing empty corner site in Wembley, London. An intentionally quick construction program allows the site to function as a ‘cultural hub’ quickly and efficiently, engendering a public engagement with the site and its context, encouraging localised urban regeneration. 

The architecture makes use of rapid manufacturing and assembly processes, and is to be disassembled and moved to another location to be reassembled when the process is complete. The current planning permission has been granted for 10 years only.

The project has been undertaken in conjunction with the local statutory authorities and developers, and performs a key role in the development of an ongoing master plan for the area.

Other key technical innovations for the 1300 seat theatre include a 360 degree fixed stage surrounding a rotating auditorium. This has been designed by Robin De Levita & Imagine Nation. The production fuses film and live action to immerse the audience into the production from all angles.



World Architecture Festival Future Projects – Culture Highly Commended 2015