Wembley Park Masterplan — Flanagan Lawrence

Wembley Park Masterplan


Quintain Ltd

London, UK

Planning Approved

Flanagan Lawrence

Planning Consultant

Cost Consultant
Tower 8, Faithful + Gould

Landscape Architect

Energy & Sustainability Adviser, Civil Engineer, Waste Consultant
Buro Happold

Fire Engineering Consultant

Transport Consultant
i-Transport / WSP

Access Consultant

Townscape Consultant
Robert Tavernor Consultancy

Socio-Economics Adviser

Daylight & Sunlight Consultant

Wind Engineer
BMT Fluid Mechanics

Public Consultation
London Communications Agency

Ecology Adviser
Derek Finnie Associates

The Wembley Park Masterplan sits in a context of contrasts. It is a large and distinctive part of North-West London characterised by post-war suburban housing, green spaces and pockets of new development, as well as a declining high street, large 1970’s office and hotel buildings, car parks, vacant land and outmoded industrial buildings bounded by main roads and railways.

Central to the area is Wembley Stadium, a sporting and music venue with an international profile – a global leisure destination and a recognisable global brand – but only on 37 days of the year. For the remaining 328 days Wembley reverts to being a North-West London district, with a substantial industrial estate constrained by transport infrastructure to the east, and a diverse local residential community generally occupying semi-detached homes and using local shops and infrastructure to the west.

Things are changing though – working alongside developer Quintain, our Wembley Park Masterplan proposes a new residential district to the east of the Stadium focussed around a 7-acre park for Wembley, and the completion of the area’s urban heart around the newly created Wembley Park Boulevard, providing new retail and employment opportunities.

The Masterplan will fundamentally transform the character and life of the area, with new high quality urban and residential environments complementing the international profiles of the Stadium and the Arena, and delivering an appropriate setting for existing occupiers, including Wembley London Hilton Hotel, London Designer Outlet and Brent Civic Centre.

Our proposal will provide:

– Up to 4,000 new high quality homes of different sizes for a mix of tenures;

– A new 7-acre park for existing and new residents of Wembley to enjoy every day;

– High quality public realm providing “a contemporary, lively and distinctive setting”;

– Up to 1.5m sq ft of commercial space, including new offices and high street shopping on Wembley Park Boulevard, alongside hotel and student accommodation;

– A new three-form entry primary school and nursery for Wembley, as well as other community facilities, including meeting places and a GP surgery;

– A permanent solution for Stadium parking within a total of 3,400 public car parking spaces.




World Architecture Festival Masterplanning – Future Projects Finalist 2016