Waterloo and Queen Street Buildings A & B — Flanagan Lawrence

Waterloo and Queen Street Buildings A & B


Wates Residential

Main Contractor           
Wates Construction

Stage 4

Executive Architect       
Flanagan Lawrence

Planning Architect        
Conran and Partners

Planning Consultant     
Avison Young

The Waterloo and Queen Street Estate is one of the twelve developments to come forward of a wider regeneration portfolio being delivered by the joint venture between Wates Residential and Havering Council. Phase 01 consists of 2no. residential blocks (A & B) which comprises of 16 storeys of mixed tenure; social, affordable and private units providing a total of 370 no. units, ground floor car parking under podium, and commercial units.

Flanagan Lawrence were appointed in May 2022 to progress the project from planning through to delivery and reworked the consented scheme from Stage 2+ through to Stage 4a.

The project was initially designed by Conran Architects who prepared the Stage 3 design for Wates Residential and Havering Council.


Flanagan Lawrence are Architect and Lead Designer from Stage 2+ of the project.