Unilife — Flanagan Lawrence



Guildford, Surrey

Stelling Properties

Flanagan Lawrence

Interior Design

Landscape Architect
UBU Landscape Design

Planning Consultant
Third Revolution Projects

Structural & Civils, Building Services, Sustainability, Fire Engineering

Unilife - a family owned company - specialise in providing high quality student residential accommodation in urban infill development sites. This new multi-storey building is situated on a former light industrial plot in the Guildford and benefits from a privileged riverside position offering a green outlook eastward across the River Wey.

The development will provide approximately 4,000m² GEA of student residential accommodation including 99 studios, a range of internal and external communal amenity spaces and enhanced landscaping.

Embracing energy efficiency and encouraging the use of low carbon energy sources, the scheme maximises the use of natural daylight and ventilation and is orientated to make best use of the site and its aspect.

The building will be constructed using steel frame volumetric modular construction techniques and this was an important design driver for the scheme influencing the early design and massing proposals.

Key aspects of the design include: A defined ground floor articulation; An inset core to subdivide the long elevation into two distinct blocks and define an intuitive and legible entrance; Communal external amenity space and an enhanced public realm that offers a generous backdrop to the river edge; High quality landscaping to the street edge to present a softer greener frontage to the public footway.