Ujima House — Flanagan Lawrence

Ujima House


London, UK

London Borough of Brent & Wates Construction

Flanagan Lawrence

Principal Designer

Structural, Civil, Transport Engineer

Landscape Architect
Exterior Architecture

Planning Consultant
Avison Young

Building Services Engineer, Vertical Transportation

Façade Engineer

Fire Engineer
OFR Consultants

Located in Wembley, Ujima House is a contemporary residential development and a key regeneration project for Brent Council.  Located in the Wembley Housing Zone on Wembley High Street, Ujima House provides 54 residential units as 100% affordable housing. There will be 3 accessible parking spaces located on the ground floor accessed from Ecclestone Place. 

The Wembley Housing Zone, along the Wembley High Road has seen significant regeneration in recent years. The building set within the Wembley Housing Zone revitalises the high street with a new civic scale building rising to 10 storeys. On the ground floor the creation of a new north-south pedestrian route connects these new communities and opens up the space with a vibrant new workspace, cafe and residential entrance. 

The detailed articulation of the building increases residential quality and dual aspect provision whilst reducing the risk of overheating. Internally, the mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments are all provided with private amenity space in the form of balconies and a dedicated roof terrace and childrens’ playspace. The scheme has been the outcome of extensive consultation with the client, and the council. 

Flanagan Lawrence are Architect and Lead Designer for all stages of the project.