Snowsfields Yard Gets Two Stars


Our city living infill residential scheme now houses 2 Michelin starred restaurants!

This residential-led mixed use development located on the edge of the Bermondsey Conservation Area is comprised of 37 private and affordable apartments organised around a central courtyard. Restaurants and improvements to both the Manna Centre for homeless people and the Church’s facilities complete the scheme. Both restaurants, Trivet and Sollip located at ground level on either side of the development, earned their stars earlier this year.

The plan of the scheme was informed by the constraints of the existing urban surroundings with routes into the scheme reflecting the tight knit narrow grain of the historic urban fabric, whilst maintaining a rational and well-planned residential layout above, with the activity of the restaurants enlivening the street frontages.

The objective of this project was to deliver a building which would contribute to the revitalisation of the area, whilst creating much needed high-quality mixed tenure housing.