Snowsfields Yard — Flanagan Lawrence

Snowsfields Yard


Crest Nicholson, Addition

London, UK

Completed 2017

RIBA Workstages 1-3

Planning Consultant

Structural and Civil Engineer
Reuby & Stagg

Couch Perry Wilkes

Addition Land

Crest Nicholson

Energy Assessor
Hodkinson Consultancy

Fire Consultant

Townscape Consultant
KM Heritage

Delivery Architect
Saunders Architects

Snowsfields Yard is a residential-led mixed use development located within the Bermondsey Conservation Area and adjacent to Borough Market. The development comprises 28 private and 9 affordable apartments. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments enjoy private amenity space in the form of balconies and roof terraces. Restaurants at ground level and improvements to the Manna Centre for homeless people and Church facilities complete the scheme.

The project adds to the diversity and distinctiveness of the townscape in the area by retaining elements of better quality and removing buildings of little merit, thereby achieving a successful mediation between the Conservation Area to the South and tall buildings to the North and West.

The plan of the scheme has been informed by the constraints of the existing urban surroundings whilst cleverly maintaining a rational and well-planned residential layout. Routes into the centre of the site, meanwhile, reflect the tight knit, narrow grain of the historic city.

The development is mixed use in its programme and seeks to knit into the surroundings with active ground floor retail and commercial units enlivening the street frontages. Separate cores for the private and affordable apartments on upper levels add further activation and the high level of quality which is inherent in the private external space extends to areas which are accessible by the public.

The objective of this project was to deliver a building which would contribute to the revitalisation of the area, whilst creating much needed high-quality mixed tenure housing. The density of development here could only be achieved through the delivery of a building of demonstrable architectural quality and the sensitive approach to the design and the ultimate delivery of that design has achieved that.

The project achieved Code Sustainable Homes Level 4, and BREAAM ‘Very Good’ for the non-residential parts of the development.



The Sunday Times British Home Awards – Highly Commended 2017

Evening Standard Awards – Highly Commended 2017

NLA Mixed-Use 2018