Hoddesdon — Flanagan Lawrence



Anderson Group

Flanagan Lawrence

Cost Consultant
Rider Levett Bucknall

Project Manager

Planning Consultant

Landscape Architect

On the edge of Admiral’s Walk Lake in the Lea valley a former disused watercress site is transformed into a new residential development of single family homes surround by a new wetland.

The existing landscape suffers from poor vegetation and low biodiversity. The masterplan for the new site creates a wetland into which the houses are carefully positioned. The development is laid out as three fingers in between which water from the adjacent lake is drawn. Through close collaboration with the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Flanagan Lawrence has developed a masterplan which will provide significant increase in biodiversity to the development site, which in turn will act as a catalyst for the wider lake landscape.

40 dwellings are provided as two-storey three/four bed houses, in five typologies. The different roof profiles of the houses provide variation and distinctiveness. A consistent pallet of materials ties the development together. The houses have been carefully positioned to maximise the views over the inlets and the longer views of the lake behind.