Harlow Quarter — Flanagan Lawrence

Harlow Quarter


Harlow, UK

Flanagan Lawrence

Landscape Architect
Realm (Reardon Smith Landscape)

Energy, Sustainability, Fire Consultant
Hoare Lea

Civil Engineer
Powell Tolner & Associates

Transport Consultant
Caneparo Associates

Townscape Consultant

Daylight & Sunlight Consultant
GIA Surveyor

Wind Engineer
Architectural Aerodynamics

Quantity Surveyor

The Masterplan will revitalise the town centre and community with a new residential community as well as bringing business activity throughout the day and into the evening around Harlow’s new social destination.

 A new garden concept in the town centre will emerge linking the new Garden Boulevard with the green spaces around the town. The new Garden Boulevard as a key destination will link Broad Walk to West Gate, increasing the volume of public realm space in the town centre.

Defining the new Garden Boulevard as a key destination within the town centre is crucial for the masterplan’s success. This new space will not only form the heart of the new development, it will also act to repair, compliment and reconnect the existing town centre environment, and become a new, high-quality public realm destination for people to rest, relax and spend time in the town centre.

Our proposal will provide:

  • Up to 578 new high quality homes of   different sizes for a mix of tenures;

  • High quality public realm providing circa 6,160 sq m of landscaped public realm improvements;

  • Up to 3,000 sq m of commercial space, including flexible retail space