City Suites, Chapel Street — Flanagan Lawrence

City Suites


Select Property Group

Salford, Manchester

Completed 2017


Cost Consultant
Abacus Cost Management

Carillion PLC

Structural, Civil and Geo-Enviornmental Engineer Ramboll UK

Services Engineer

Landscape Architect

Fisher Acoustics

Fire Engineer
Arup/ Design Fire Consultants

Transport Planning

The project forms part of Salford’s wider Greengate Regeneration Strategy, which is delivering a dynamic new quarter for the city centre as it transforms 13 hectares of vacant and under-used land and buildings to create a distinctive and diverse mixed use urban quarter.

The essence of the design brief was to generate a landmark apartment building in the heart of Greater Manchester, which would offer a high quality, vibrant, inner city lifestyle. The 17 storey tower has a mix of apartments which cater for a younger, more independent local population. The serviced apartments enjoy hotel-level servicing and facilities, including a reception, gym, and pool.

The form of the building responds to the urban context and provides an active street frontage which includes a large café/ restaurant which addresses the public domain and Greengate Square. The lower levels are cut away, opening up the site towards the Greengate public realm beyond, while the building form retains important views to the Grade 1 listed Manchester Cathedral from the adjacent quarter.

The scheme sits comfortably next to the 100 and 101 Embankment office buildings, also designed by Flanagan Lawrence, which are positioned above public car parking and a retail plinth which integrates a listed Victorian railway viaduct.