Chiswick Point — Flanagan Lawrence

Chiswick Point


Town Planning

London, UK

Completed 2014

RIBA Workstages 1-3

Client – Town Planning

Client – Delivery

Planning Consultant

Cost Consultant
E C Harris

Services Engineers

Landscape Architect
Charles Funke Associates

Residential Consultant
Jones Lang Lasalle

Affordable Housing Consultancy
Jones Lang Lasalle

Waterman Energy, Environment & Design

The regeneration of this largely disused industrial site with a residential redevelopment has made a positive contribution to the surrounding area.

The largely car free scheme includes 91 private and 33 affordable apartments.  B1 and D1 spaces activate the ground level and complete the programme.

It is situated between a railway viaduct to the north and a nature reserve to the south and the buildings are internally configured to ensure that all living spaces face south, to benefit from the open views out over the neighbouring nature reserve. The development is designed to be externally tenure blind.

The apartments are either single aspect when south facing, or otherwise dual aspect. Living rooms enjoy large windows which maximise natural daylight and enhance the connection with the greenery of the nature reserve whilst bedrooms face northwards and have smaller windows set within deeper reveals to achieve a greater sense of privacy and security.