Al Wahat — Flanagan Lawrence

Al Wahat


Al Wahat Tourism Investment and Development Company

Sebha, Libya

13,000 sqm

Cost consultants
WT Partnership

Structural, MEP
Ramboll UK

Landscape Architects
Bradley Hole Schoeaich

Fire, Environmental Engineering
PHA Consult

Sebha is located deep in the Sahara Desert in Libya. A historic meeting of routes across the desert led to the development of the city, which is now a major focal point for the Libyan oil industry. An area of approximately 7Ha allows for a variety of uses to be distributed across the site, with the master plan strategy creating a rich urban environment around the hotel that ties in with the surrounding context.

Incorporating client input, various uses were proposed for the site. These include a public plaza in front of the hotel, which can be used as a market square and for large gatherings during the festival season; plus additional retail development along an avenue leading towards the hotel entrance. Additional exterior spaces are provided in the form of semi-private courtyards, both adjacent to the hotel – providing access to residential developments – and along the avenue – hosting supplementary office space.

The Hotel development is the focal point of the scheme and is located towards the north of the site, with access to the open landscape and palm groves beyond. The hotel itself is introverted in form, to deal with the harsh desert climate, and is organised around a series of inner courtyards. The massive walls of the hotel are formed from local rammed earth to mediate the massive variations in temperature.